Dance me to the end of love (1985)
The video was created by Dominique Isserman, a French photographer and Leonard Cohen's close friend. It was shot at a hospital; the main elements are the beauty of a young girl and the death. 4:30 min, black&white.
Take this waltz (1986)

The video was filmed in Spain, in the city of Granada, famous for the Alhambra Castle. Leonard Cohen is shown in the house of Federico Garcia Lorca. 6 min, color.
First we take Manhattan
(Jennifer Warnes; 1987)

This video was produced to promote the album Famous Blue Raincoat of Jennifer Warnes; her version of First we take Manhattan was released before Cohen's original (next year on I'M Your Man)
First we take Manhattan (1988)
Another video made with Dominique Isserman. Shot in locations in France (Trouville). Cohen is standing on a sandy beach, staring towards the ocean, wearing a suitcase, neglecting a crowd of other travellers. 5 min, black & white.
Closing time (1992)

This award winning (best video) was shot at the Matadore night club in Toronto (on November 30, 1992). Directed by Curtis Wehrfritz. Cinematographer Miroslaw Baszak, editor Ross Corindia. Cohen sings with Perla Batalla and Julie Christensen. The party is in full swing: we see chairs, dancers and clothes hanging in the air. 6 min, black & white.
The Future (1993)
The official Future video shows a rainstorm in a room (when Leonard is on camera), and underwater (when he isn’t). The lyrics move across the bottom of the screen. Perla and Julie appear also (in the mirror). Leonard struggles to maintain composure against the fury of the storm. At the end he is really wet (so no need to be a pessimist, eh?). Crack and anal sex are censored and instead of these words we hear a "piip" and see some dots. 4:30 min, color.
Dance me to the end of love (1994)
Another video version of this song was filmed to promote the Live! album. Cohen is performing at an oldfashioned theater, keeping a rosery between his fingers; a young couple is dancing and fondling eachother; old couples - with their wedding pictures in the background - dance, and still, after many years, love each other. 6 min, color.
In My Secret Life (2001)
Canadian director Floria Sigismondi shot the video for Leonard
Cohen's single "In My Secret Life" in Montreal and Toronto.
The cover pictures on this page:
Take this waltz, 7" single CBS 650210-7, Holland 1986
Jennifer Warnes: First we take Manhattan/Famous blue raincoat, 7" single Sonet T-20080, Sweden 1986
First we take Manhattan/Sisters of mercy, 7" single CBS 651352-7, UK 1987
Cover of the Closing Time promo video