
First 250 steps up... |

Beryl & Nick Barrett, UK

Evangelia and Coulis Armadourou
Tom Bohan tasting Evangelia's jelly, April Yergin, Carrie Hunter and Rhonda Berg watching

Gill Mann (UK) closest to the camera

No birds on the wire... and where is the wire?
From left: Andrew Darbyshire (Australia), Christoph Aebi (Switzerland),
Aaron Bouschor (Montana) between Sam and Elizabeth Sebban (France),
Jarkko Arjatsalo (Finland), Jim Devlin (UK), Andrea Dolfino and
Paola Pigozzi (Italy), Celia Mayfield (UK), Marinella Cutuli (Italy)
and X

Lech Pietrasz (Tennessee) doing his daily workout


| On the left: Justinas Zilinskas, Lithuania
Photos on this page: © 2002 Kim Solez,
Andrea V Janett, Marta Goebel, Eve ,
Ramune Zilinskiene, Jarkko Arjatsalo
More photos of Leonard Cohen's house