"Let's sing another song" The Leonard Cohen Event
Berlin, August 11-13, 2006

The Berlin Event (August 11 to 13, 2006) was organized by Henning Franz and his team.
The photo is from the final meeting of the organizers and helpers before the Event:
Jarkko, Kadir, Fridemann, Marco, Andrea, Henning, Ulla, Linda & Dick
***** The Event Report *****
Created by Jarkko and Eija Arjatsalo
Extra: Pre-Event Meetup in Cracow
Photos by (in alphabetical order): Eija Arjatsalo, Jarkko Arjatsalo, Bobbie Chalou, Don Cummer, Andrea Dolfino, Ken Forsyth,
Christoph Franz, Justyna Galant, Pawel Gorny, Dany Hilven, Sebastian Korta, Ken Kurzweil, Wijbe Lageveen, Donna Lee Palmer, Barbara Mayer,
Sally Michalski, Anne Mitchell, Martti Müller, Kim Solez, Linda Straub, Tim Vincent, Diane Williams
Logo © 2005 Ania Nowakowska
Poster Design © 2005 Kadir Ercan
Coming soon: Berlin Event DVD directed by Wijbe Lageveen! Watch the trailer - order it from Henning
Some of the original Event pages:
History of
the Leonard Cohen Events
Berlin from A
to Z
Event Locations
The Event
The Artists
Organising Team
The Event
The Photo Gallery